My FKT from South Haven to St. Clair Shores

# My Journey to 219 Miles

My journey to 219 miles was nothing short of incredible.

## Day 0

I arrived in South Haven in the evening, just in time to witness a beautiful sunset. After enjoying a bite to eat at Clementine’s, I settled in for the night in the van near the start line.

## Day 1

I kicked off my adventure at 7:44 AM on Friday, November 8th. The sunrise was stunning, but the wind along the lakeshore was a bit strong. Fortunately, it warmed up as I made my way out of South Haven and onto the Kal Haven Trail. Having participated in the Kal Haven Trail Ultra a few times, I felt familiar with the terrain. Running the first couple of miles solo was a perfect way to get my head in the game.

My first pacer, Lindsey—an athlete I hadn’t met in person yet—joined me for a couple of hours. The miles flew by as we chatted. After running solo for another hour, I reached Kal Haven State Park, where I took a short break and fueled up with chicken noodle soup. My husband, Derek, and friend, Kim, provided crew support, catching up with me every hour to offer aid.

Derek joined me on his bike for about 12 miles, guiding me through the Kalamazoo Valley River Trail and downtown Kalamazoo. It was a refreshing change of pace to get off the trail and into town. After nearly reaching the 50-mile mark, my second pacer, Fred, took over. Fred and I were only acquaintances, so we had plenty to talk about over the next five hours as we made our way through Galesburg, Augusta, and into Battle Creek.

The dark, long road miles during rush hour were a bit dicey, but we managed. In Battle Creek, my friend Christine joined us as my next pacer. We navigated through some construction and a dark road before arriving in Marshall, where I hit the 81-mile mark feeling surprisingly fresh. I grabbed some soup and headed toward Albion. The temperature dropped significantly in this section, and I started to feel cold and slow down.

When we reached Albion, I decided to call it a night, stopping at 91 miles. It was a solid start to my journey. That night, I used my MicroSport Pro with a PEMF adapter to energize and heal for the next day.

## Day 2

I woke up about three hours after falling asleep, around 3 AM, to a nagging niggle. Thankfully, I had the MicroSport to assist my recovery. After some time, I felt ready to start again and began with my friend and athlete Russ at 10:30 AM on Saturday. I started a little creaky but quickly found my rhythm.

We took some bonus miles navigating through Albion to Victory Park, then hit some back roads with rolling hills. Partway to Concord, my friend and athlete Des joined us, bringing fresh energy. The three of us ran along to the Falling Waters Trail in Concord, where my friends and athlete Barb and Randy were waiting to pace me.

I started feeling fatigue, so I told Des I needed a nap and some Tylenol. It was around 2:45 PM, but I knew I needed rest. After taking some Tylenol and running a few MicroSport programs, I fueled up and returned to the trail with renewed energy, running faster. Barb joined Des and me for the next section to Jackson. 

Once in Jackson, Randy took over pacing. I felt relieved to have him, given his good navigation skills. We moved well through Jackson, though we encountered a long stretch through the Jackson Prison that felt endless—mostly because I needed a bathroom break. When we finally saw Derek in the van, he suggested I stop for the night around 9:30 PM. I could have kept going, but I took his advice. We slept nearby in the van, and I ran the MicroSport PEMF during my sleep.

## Day 3

After a few hours of sleep, I ran some MicroSport programs. I planned to head out, but heavy rains prompted me to hold off until it cleared a bit. I finally started around 7:00 AM, enjoying some solo running to get to the Lakeland Trail. I was loosening up and feeling good when Jess joined me. Kim brought McDonald’s sausage egg McMuffins and Coke, my daily fuel during the journey.

Shortly before we reached Stockbridge, another familiar face, my friend Bjorn, surprised us by jumping in to join. It was exciting to be on “my home turf.” The three of us ran to Gregory, enjoying another beautiful morning. Once in Stockbridge, my friend Claudia joined us. We used a 3/1 run/walk strategy to keep a steady pace on the trail, which worked well.

Partway to Pinckney, we picked up surprise pacers Russ and Fred again. At the depot, it was fun to see our friends Curt and Leslie cheering me on—another great energy boost. Somewhere between Pinckney and the Captain Frosty Trailhead, my friend Kay hopped in with chicken nuggets, fries, and Coke from Kim. I craved salty, greasy food during my run, and it really helped boost my energy.

As I neared Zukey Lake Tavern, I started to notice some knotting in my left peroneal tendon, so we called in remote PT support from Liesle. She gave us tips, and we added some KT tape and moved on. As we approached Hamburg, the intensity increased, and my right side started bothering me too. Liesle came to my rescue in Hamburg and worked her magic. Kay and I continued on until we were almost to J.C. Penney, where my pain intensified.

I decided to use the MicroSport to calm it down and applied Tri-Covery CBD salve for pain relief. Ultimately, I was forced to walk with about 60 miles left. After some long, hard thought, I decided to come home for self-care, sleep, and an early start the next day. I took a nice Epsom salt soak, used PEMF, and applied CBD salve. After a few hours of sleep, I felt much better and was ready to go.

## Day 4

I started again on Field Crest, where I had left off the night before. I was solo for a short bit until my friend Jeff caught up with me. We moved well through Island Lake, but I started experiencing pain and swelling in my right foot again, so I did some treatment and continued on to New Hudson.

Along the way, we had a surprise visit from Toni, who joined us for a bit, providing a nice energy boost. The east side of the state was less familiar to me, making it fun to explore new areas. As we cruised along, I heard a familiar voice—my friend Curt was riding his bike to catch us for some miles. 

I had requested mac and cheese and a smoothie for lunch, and as the miles ticked on, my needs became more urgent. When we got to Wixom, Derek had my lunch ready, which really hit the spot and gave me renewed energy. Heading toward Novi, I was moving well, but just past it, I felt increasing pain in my right foot. I stopped for treatment and decided to walk a bit with the MicroSport for relief.

This area was tricky, with no sidewalks and highway entrances. I was grateful to have Jeff navigating us through. After another treatment stop, Bjorn joined me. Once I received treatment, I could move well for a while until the pain medication wore off. Bjorn kept me positive and moving as we worked through some painful moments.

I was determined to finish before midnight on Monday, so I kept pushing forward. I was still running, now with fewer walk breaks. Somewhere along the way, Fred joined again. When we reached Berkeley, my nephew Ricky joined on his bike for a few miles, raising my spirits and quickening my pace.

After Royal Oak, a group of friends joined me for the last ten miles: Jess, Jen, Kay, Bjorn, and Fred. It felt like a Saturday group long run, and the energy was fantastic. The final stretch along 12 Mile felt endless, but suddenly, I had a whole entourage of support! Liesle and her mom showed up, honking, ringing cowbells, and playing the Spice Girls. 

Next came Jeff, Ricky, his father-in-law, and Derek, who kept the party going all the way to Champine Park. I finished 219.49 miles in 3 days, 15 hours, and 14 minutes! It was an incredible journey, and I had an amazing time along the way, thanks to the support of friends and family. It may sound cliché, but it truly takes a village.

Crewing the Hallucination 100

Recently I was given the privilege to crew for my friend, Charles for Run Woodstock, Hallucination 100 miler.  I sort of nudged Charles to run a 100 miler: He started getting the bug after I finished Hennepin. His last 100 mile race was in 1998 where he ran Rocky Raccoon 100.  

When I first agreed to crew, I hadn’t given it much thought the enormous responsibility you take on.  As the race neared, I spent some time thinking just how important my crew was during my ultra events. I thought about what was helpful, things that I needed to get me through, and things that I could do without.

I started asking Charles questions.  I wanted to know what would motivate him and where the limit was.  It’s a fine balance when you get in the thick of an ultra race where you are testing your body and mind to the limit.  You want support and encouragement. You need someone to be there to keep you tough, but not over the top because let’s face it somewhere during an ultra your mind is shot and you need a crew that can think for you and help you make smart decisions as you propel yourself forward one relentless step at a time.

Race week came and I was getting so excited for the opportunity to crew.  I arrived on race day early enough to go to the race meeting and then send Charles off for the start.  He showed me his drop bags and some of the supplies he would need. The race started at 4 p.m. so he would be facing a lap alone in the dark.  The rule was pacers could start after 33 miles. The course is set in the woods so you can see your runner take off and come back in. So you wait and wonder and hope everything is alright during their long solo miles.

We had three pacers, Emma, Derek and me.  The plan was for Emma to go first starting her lap around 1:30 a.m.  So we waited while Charles completed his first lap. Each lap was about 16 ⅔ mile long. It was fun cheering him on as he came to the aid station. We supported getting him the supplies he needed and gently encouraged him to get going!  He was off on lap number two that would end around 1:30 a.m. So Derek and I went home to get some rest with Emma taking the third lap. We agreed that she would contact us when there was about an hour to the aid station which would give us ample time to be back for my lap with Charles.  

We arrived back at the aid station at about 6:00 a.m.anxiously awaiting his return.  He came through at about 6:30 a.m. Again we helped get the supplies he needed and he grabbed some food from the aid station.  One of the volunteers gently nudged Charles, “You know you aren’t getting anywhere standing here and eating. You can walk and eat.” So we were off!  Now was my time to keep him going! We had a goal of getting in for this lap prior to noon. If he didn’t make the cut off then he would be moved to the 100k.  We started out in darkness, but daylight came pretty quickly. As the light approached, Charles was able to pick up the pace. It is crazy how much you can learn about a person during a long run.  Charles had unbelievable stamina to keep talking and I did a lot of listening as he told stories of his adventures of racing, hiking and mountain climbing. Oh, I forgot to mention it was my birthday so as we walked my phone pinged with birthday wishes. At one point my phone rang, I indicated it was my mom.  Charles told me you gotta answer that. So I did and put her on speakerphone and shared that I was pacing Charles. Charles suggested they sing happy birthday. So my mom and Charles sang while we hiked along. 

Near the start of our lap together, Charles was talking about gnomes and mushrooms.  At this point I thought maybe the hallucination hundred was making him hallucinate. I listened and shook my head.  I wasn’t quite sure what to believe. And then right along the trail I caught glimpse of a gnome and Charles pointed out mushrooms that he claims were popping up as he ran.

As we approached the first aid station, I was asking Charles what he needed.  I wanted to try to be as efficient as we could at the stops to be sure to stay on pace.  We were on a tight schedule. Charles grabbed some coffee and coke and a few chips. Then we moved along.  At one point, I realized he was not taking in much fluid so I reminded and encouraged him to stay hydrated.  I also reminded him to take in some electrolytes and GU. I noticed shortly after he picked up the pace a bit.  

We came to some areas where a few races were coming together so we were able to cheer on fellow runners.  This is a motivating part of a race when you actually are able to see others runners and can encourage each other.  I find this more prominent in ultra races. Everyone is supporting each other to finish! During this point we hit a gravel section where we were able to pick up the pace a little and I was able to text to check our pace to be sure we were on target.  I text Derek and he said it was going to be tight and told me a pace. I quickly started to panic a bit and wasn’t sure if I should tell Charles the news that it was going to be close and we might not make it, but then I started calculating in my head and thought Derek’s numbers might be off and told Charles. We laughed as he was the one that had been working for now going on 15 hours and he could calculate better than Derek or me.  So I could breathe again knowing that we were on target to beat the noon cut off.

We were getting close to finishing our lap, when we came across an unmanned aid station that had fortune cookies.  Charles and I both grabbed one. Mine read, “Better aim at the moon than shoot into the well.” I found it fitting.  

When we neared the finish of our lap together, I told Charles he needed to pick up the pace to finish as I had a reputation to uphold.  He started picking up a bit and then we heard, “Go Dr. Steele”. That was all he needed to move him forward quickly to the aid station.  “Go Chargers” he shouted. He came in with 9 minutes to spare and was quickly off with his wife and beloved dog by his side. Derek joined Charles and they were off for his 5th loop.

Charles had made 100k and was shooting for 100 miles.  A couple miles in, I got a call from Derek asking for me to give Charles a pep talk.  He was struggling a bit and was slowing down. I chatted briefly encouraged him and they went on.  At that point, I noted they were on pace to make it in before the next cut-off which was 5 p.m. Time went on as Emma and I were anxiously awaiting.  I got another call. It was Charles. He was thinking about quitting. Again, the role of a crew member is not an easy one. I didn’t want him to make a hasty decision so I told them to keep moving forward and I would do some calculating.  They had told me approximately where they were on the course. I came to the conclusion that Charles was correct, at the pace they were going they would not make cut off. Charles shared that he had Le Grizz 50 mile coming up which was more important and would call it a day at 76 miles.  It was a difficult decision for me to make. You don’t know at what point to push or what point to call it good.  

Charles put forth an amazing effort that day. He logged 76 miles which was furthest since 1998.  I call that a success! Of course the next week, he was already talking about and planning to finish Hallucination 100 next year at Woodstock!

Okay so enough about Charles, let’s talk about me.  Crewing is a rewarding job, but with it comes stress and a big responsibility!  Not to mention tired feet, and sore muscles that I didn’t know I had (which is interesting when you go a different pace than you are used to how that impacts your body differently).  I am currently training for Tunnel Hill 100 and logging around 70 ish miles a week and one lap of 16 ⅔ miles got me!


Last weekend, I had the opportunity of a lifetime, to run with my son, Riley. This was one of his Christmas gifts. I wrapped up a coupon that read 1 Bayshore registration+new running shoes + running with mom=PRICELESS. When I registered him, I didn’t even consider the possibility of us both qualifying for the Boston Marathon on the same day.

For this race, I decided to train using the Hanson’s Marathon Method which is now known as Luke Humphrey’s Marathon Method. I started the training in January with the intention of pacing a friend to Boston Qualify at 3 hours 30 minutes. She suffered some set backs with her training and decided sometime in late February that she wasn’t running or if she did it would be just to qualify so I decided if I was going to run Bayshore on my own that I would train to get a PR. This was my second marathon: I ran my first in 2013 in Concord, Michigan at the Wildlife Marathon. That marathon I decided about 4 weeks out to run it and finished in 3 hours 26 minutes. So deciding on a goal time 6 years later was challenging. I really didn’t know what time I could run it in. After my first marathon, I was driven to start running ultramarathons to see just how far I could run.

So I adjusted my goal training from 3 hours 30 minutes to 3 hours 15 minutes. I wasn’t sure if it was achievable, but decided to give it a shot. The Hanson’s plan is based on the philosophy of training on tired legs or cumulative muscle fatigue. The plan consists of 6 days of running with a variety of easy runs, a long run, tempo run and intervals. My body adapted well to this training style; however, it was somewhat mentally fatiguing switching gears from just getting in miles to train for my hundred to working on interval and tempo training. What I was noticing as I was getting a couple months into the program is that I was feeling faster and comfortable at faster paces. So in early March, I decided to hire a running coach, Zach Bitter. He looked at my training plan which I was already a couple of months in: I shared with him my training and how it was going and he slightly tweaked it to increase my paces. By the end of the training plan, I felt strong and ready to go for my goal! Throughout my entire training, I relied heavily on using my arsenal of recovery equipment: Hypervolt, Cupping Set, and Air Relax compression boot: These kept me injury free with the exception of a slight pain in my achilles which I learned was due to a tight hamstring.

My son, Riley had a training plan of his own. He is 22 years old and independent, determined to layout his own plan. I teased him that I knew he would start out ahead of me, but I wondered who would cross the finish line first. Throughout training I would offer words of wisdom with his training sessions, recovery, and fueling. On race day I learned he did listen to my suggestion for fueling and it worked for him!

The day of the race, we awoke to thunderstorms in the area. The race was scheduled to be on time, but I was skeptical looking at the radar. We arrived the the Traverse City High School where it was raining, but warm. Riley had a few friends also running the race so we took shelter and hung out with them until it got close to race time.

I took off on my own to do a mile warm up and get my focus on. My husband, Derek and Riley’s girlfriend, Mckenna were going to points on the course to provide our nutrition/hydration. I checked with with Derek prior to heading to the start line to see if he was in position at mile 8. I drank a bottle of Tailwind knowing that I would want to refuel in about an hour.

We got to the starting line and I went in between the 7 and 8 minute pace signs, my plan being to start out at 7:20 and then making adjustments as needed throughout the race. The rain stopped and I knew it was going to warm up quickly. I met up with a friend from Team Running Lab, Peter and we ran a few miles in close proximity. We were both unsure of what time we would run, but figured we would both go out too fast. Of course that is just what I did: I started at around 7:15 pace and found a group of ladies that started pulling me along so I was nearer to 7 minutes. I knew in my head I should probably stick with my 7:20 plan and go negative at the end, but it was hard to make that adjustment, so I stuck around 7:05-7:20 pace for the first 21 miles.

The course was an out and back which made it great to see runners and hear cheers from familiar faces on the course from Team Running Lab. As I neared the 1/2 marathon mark, I saw a friend of my son’s and cheered him on. Then I saw Riley, he looked strong (I learned later he ran negative splits.). I hit the 1/2 feeling good at about 1 hour 34 which was a PR for me. I was hoping to hold the pace: I was well under my target.

I took in nutrition around miles 8, 15, and 19. This plan was working well until I hit mile 18 and didn’t see Derek: I was in desperate need of some hydration and electrolytes and this caused me some panic. I stopped and text him to see where he was. He was a mile out. When I got to him I recomposed, took in nutrition and extra electrolyte tabs (It was hot and humid and around 70+ degrees). Looking back at my splits, I noticed I suffered a loss of a few minutes with my hydration stops which I will reassess prior to my next race.

I was struggling a bit with hydration, heat and mental doubt around mile 22. This is when I came up on a couple of Riley’s college friends. I thought to myself do I do a sneak attack by them or run with them. I went with sneak attack and they noticed me and said hey and I waved hey as I ran by. When I got to mile 24, there was a beer station decked out with flamingos and fun! I wasn’t sure if it was a good idea or not, but I read where Camille Herron drinks a beer at a certain point in her races so I thought I might as well give it a try. I took a small shot of beer and was off: in hindsight it wasn’t a great idea it slightly bothered my stomach, but I was able to push through.

In the last mile, I went back and forth with another lady. After looking at results, my time ended up being slightly faster even though she finished right ahead of me. My finish time was 3 hours 15 minutes: I reached my goal, but finished feeling with a bit disappointment with questions in my head. If I had ran with my initial plan, would I have been faster? My competitive nature had my mind spinning and ready for a challenge to run another to finish nearer to 3 hours. Then the exciting news, Riley finished with a time of 2 hours 51 minutes. We both qualified to run the Boston Marathon. We are still undecided if we will actually run Boston, but feel honored that we both qualified and on the same day! I will forever cherish the moment.

Embarking on a New Running Adventure: Zach Bitter as My Running Coach

I have been thinking for quite some time that maybe I should consider hiring a running coach.  What do I need one for? I have a training plan, goals, nutrition, and experience? Well after pondering and researching coaches for a long time, I reached out to Zach Bitter this weekend for a chat consultation.  He offers a free 15 minute chat to help you decide if it’s a good fit for you. After my 15 minutes, I decided he was the coach I wanted to go with.

For those of you who don’t know who Zach Bitter is,  he set the World Record in 2018 at Tunnel Hill 100 in 12:08:36.  Additionally he holds an American Record, 3 time National Champion and 3 time Team USA World 100km.  I chose Zach because we seem to share some similar philosophy’s: I started using the Keto Diet in May after listening to one of his podcasts.  I follow him on Strava and have been impressed with his workout structure. He has a background as a special educator which I do as well. I also loved that fact that when I saw him while I was running at Tunnel Hill, he was running WORLD RECORD PACE and he told me good job!  I was impressed that such an elite runner who was going for a record was telling other athletes good job. That gave him bonus points in my opinion.

So today, I had my first hour coaching consultation with him.  I am excited to have him as my coach and looking forward to what opportunities this may offer me.  He will be supporting me with my training plan, goal setting, and nutrition. Today’s consultation left me with a lot of things to think about.  I am mostly interested in this opportunity to learn new information, have conversations with someone so experienced and such a successful a runner.  

“There are five important things for living a successful and fulfilling life: never stop dreaming, never stop believing, never give up, never stop trying, and never stop learning.” Roy Bennett

What Do I Wear for My Cold Weather Runs?

If you have never ran in the winter or are looking for some cold weather gear tips to make your runs more enjoyable, I am going to share my tips of what works for me.  Winter running can be so much fun with the right gear. My favorite time to run is in fresh snow! I love the feeling of adventure as I’m the first one breaking foot in the fresh snow and paving my path, not to mention leaving my footprints as I go. It gives me a sense of power that is only experienced during the winter.  Once you get past the idea that you are leaving your warm and cozy home, to go out into the cold, you will never skip another winter run. Gear is so important to make your experience enjoyable. Over the years, I have perfected what works best for me.

You will need to first consider what kind of temperature you have as a runner.  Do you run cold? Or do you run hot? I tend to run hot so I can get by with less layers and gear than for those who run cold.  It is important to be sure that you are prepared when you run in cold temperatures. We want to be sure we keep up our core temperature.  You can read more about this here.

                            Post Run 10 mile long run in -5 degree windchill 

Okay so let’s get started from head to toe…

                   Keeps me warm and looking hot on the trails in the winter

On frigid or windy days, I start out with my thin, Under Armour Balaclava. This allows a thin layer to cover the bottom of my face and mouth if needed.  I prefer not to have it covering my mouth, but on really cold days it’s a must!

Next, I choose a lightweight running beanie; I have a few favorites.  They are form fitting, stay in place, and fit nicely over my balaclava.  Some of my favorites include: Smartwool Phd-Light Reversible Beanie, Saucony Skull Cap, and Under Armour Beanie.  I like these because they keep my head and ears warm and stay in place.  Others I have tried either fit too loosely or don’t cover my ears.

Often on winter days I am either running early before sunrise or late during the evening hours.  This requires you to bring a headlamp. I prefer to use my Sprinter Rechargeable Headlamp: This light stays secure over my beanie and shines with 200 lumen.  I have been told by my running friends that I have the brightest light in the group (Is it my glowing personality?) The headlamp has 3 settings for brightness and can be moved to a variety of angles.  I can easily see where I am going while keeping an eye on the possible black ice and variety of obstacles I may encounter. The light has a red tail light strobe as well to keep you visible and safe if you are running on the roads; It can be set in steady or a blinking mode.

On bright winter days, I like to put on my favorite pair of Oakley Flak Sunglasses to protect my face from wind, snow, sleet, and bright sun glaring off the snow. This makes me look like a pro while making running more enjoyable in these conditions.  Mine are neon yellow which make me stand out in the crowd or visible in a blizzard.

Lakeland Trail, Hamburg, Michigan

Next, to keep me warm and cozy on really cold days, I like to wear a neck gaiter. My favorite is my Smartwool Marino 250 Reversible Neck Gaiter.  This keeps my neck warm and dry while keeping me stylish with the pattern style.  Sometimes when in extreme temperatures, I will pull it up over my mouth for extra protection of my face.

Now let’s move to our core.  The most important part: is to keep your core warm.   A rule of thumb is to dress like it’s 20 degrees warmer.  You will start out cool, but in a short time you will be warmed up and feeling comfortable.

I like to layer up. On days between 20-25 degrees, I wear a Smartwool 250 base layer crew.  Next, I wear a Smartwool Smart Loft 60 Hoodie Vest.  Keeping my core warm  keeps me warm and happy on my wintery runs.  When you first start off, your arms may feel a bit cold, but after the first mile, you will be feeling comfortable.  On these days, I wear my Nike Dri-Fit Running gloves to keep my hands warm.  They provide lightweight warmth. Some days after a couple of miles, my hands warm up and I am able easily hold the gloves in my hands. When the weather dips a bit lower, I like to add a second layer: Craft Venair X Wind Jacket.  This helps to block the wind and keep me warm and dry. It has a flexible fabric that moves well. This jacket also comes with attached lightweight mittens. Which adds a nice layer to put under my Smartwool Cozy Mittens.  

When running in the winter, I often find myself running in the dark, so when I am running on the road I am sure to grab my Nathan safety vest. This is lightweight and fits over any layer with adjustable side straps. It also includes a pocket to stow small items you want on your run and has reflective strips to keep you visible to traffic.

I like to wear a Flipbelt all year long. This belt fits snugly around my waist over whatever pants or shorts that I am wearing.  It stays in place for my entire run without chafing. I can safely clip my keys and stow my cell phone. Which keeps me prepared for emergencies and for taking pictures along the way. Keeping my phone close to my core during winter runs helps to keep the battery life.  If I carry my phone away from my body, the battery often dies during a cold winter day.

I have two go-to running tights during the winter.  When the temps are above 20 degrees and under 35 degrees, I slip on my Smartwool PhD Tights. These are perfect for keeping my legs warm during a winter run.  When the temperature dives under the 20’s I tend to grab my Smartwool PhD Wind Tights with a wind barrier on them.  This keeps my legs warm and dry.    On days below or near zero, I add an extra layer with my Smartwool Smartloft 60 Skirt to help keep the back of my legs and bum warm as it has wind resistant panels.

For socks, my winter choice is my Smartwool hiking socks.  These keep my feet warm during a run so I never worry about cold feet. I like the crew length to cover my ankles in the cold.

With winter running, depending on the conditions, I will wear my Ice Trekkers.  These prevent me from slipping in icy or other unstable conditions.  

After your run, plan ahead: If I am not going back home right away, I like to pack my favorite hoodie, from my favorite running store, Running Lab Brighton, to keep me warm and cozy and my favorite hat from Ten Junk Miles podcast to hide my wild running hair.  With these, I can look fresh as a daisy after a warm winter long run!

                                             Post Long Run Saturday

So, there you have it: from Head-and-shoulders to knees-and-toes, I have covered my winter running gear.  By the way, I do happen to own a #&%* ton of Smartwool, but this has proven to be one of my most worthy investments for running. What are you waiting for… get geared up and head out for a winter run and enjoy the moment!  If you are looking to Boston Qualify for a spring marathon, preparing for an ultra or simply enjoy running, this gear will get you there and keep you cozy on a wintry run!


Ainsley’s Angels: Earning my Angel Runner Wings

In August, I had the opportunity to run my first race and earn my angel wings as an Ainsley’s Angel Runner.  This was one of my favorite races of 2018.  It was where two of my passions would collide.  My background is in special education and my love of running together at last.

I participated in the Howell Melon Run in Howell, Michigan with a foursome: Russ, Andrew, Alex and me.  It was a hot summer evening around 80’s.  I arrived early to meet my team members and get warmed up.  I also had the opportunity to meet Alex’s fan club, his dedicated parents.

Ainsley’s Angels is a non profit organization whose mission is to build awareness about “America’s special needs community through inclusion in all aspects of life.” P.J. Sapienza heads up Ainsley’s Angels in our area.  

Each team has a chariot runner that is pushed through the race.  We started with Andrew as the pusher and alternated throughout the race.  The race starts with a fast down hill where our team easily took the lead.  The crowd was cheering loudly as we ran through the streets of Howell.  

Next we sped through the cemetery onto gravel paths where Russ became the Angel runner.  Prior to the race, Alex’s parents let us know that he doesn’t prefer bumpy. So when we neared the gravel trail, I prepared Alex with a warning that it was going to get bumpy.  After this section came an area where we ran through a sprinkler, I also gave warning to Alex he was about to get wet.

I took the last leg (what was I thinking).  With my height disadvantage pushing the chariot was a bit difficult for me to control. I remember flying down the hill and my team reminding me I had a brake.  At the turns and hills, my teammates helped steer and push. It was an exhilarating feeling, pushing the chariot knowing Alex was going to win his race.  

When we neared the finish line,  it was all up hill.  The three of us: Russ, Andrew and me all pushed together as one team getting Alex up the hill and across the finish line in first place.  The crowd was celebrating: It was a rewarding experience seeing the pride in Alex’s parents faces and the joy on Alex’s face with his victory finish.

I am looking forward to my next Ainsley’s Angels event at the Big House 5k: Trail of Victors on April 7, 2019.  

Bad Apple Ultra: The Last One in is a Rotten Apple

After searching for awhile, I decided to try my first shot at a 12 hour ultra at Bad Apple Ultra at Kackle Orchards in Greenville, Michigan.  The event took place in late October.  My daughter was leaving for college in June so I decided I needed to take my focus off of the empty nest and on to running.  I started my training in May which allowed me 5 months to train.  I used the Ultra Ladies 100 mile training plan to get me ready for the ultra.  I wasn’t exactly sure how to train for a 12 hour, but using this plan seemed to make sense for me.  I was getting in long miles which I thought would help me with fatigue for the 12 hour event.  After looking at the website and seeing course records, I decided I would shoot for the stars and go for the women’s course record that was held by a three-way tie by three women.  The record was 64 miles in 12 hours.  Of course, being my first 12 hour event, my first goal was to finish!

I recruited a couple of friends and my husband to crew me.  The course was a 4 mile loop around an apple orchard.  For my first experience I thought a short loop would be a good course for me. My friend Charles had ran the course many times and was able to provide insight, offer advice and encourage me to go for it. 

Race day the weather was just under freezing to start at 6 a.m.: Snow was gently falling.  We all started with head lamps and I wore my Under Armor running tights, long sleeve base layer shirt, Patagonia light weight wind breaker, a hat and gloves.  This outfit served me perfectly the entire day.  I had other gear readily available with my crew since it was a short loop.  My husband set up our crewing station just ahead of the start/finish line.  We had a canopy with some tables and my nutrition and hydration for the day.  Additionally we had a reclining lawn chair for me to rest if needed.  I had a variety of food from sweet to salty.  My plan was to use food for nutrition and water for hydration.  My husband had a dry erase board set up to help keep track of my loops and times to closely monitor my course record goal.

A week prior to the race, I was feeling some aches and pains from all of the mileage I had put in so I went for a sports massage.  The last several weeks of the training were 30 miles on Saturdays and 20 miles on Sunday. In the midst of my training we also moved so this put some strain on my training plan.  I was not only running a lot of miles, but also carrying a lot of moving boxes.  I guess this served me well for staying on my feet and getting in a good core workout.  On race day, the massage apparently worked as I didn’t feel any muscle pain throughout the entire 12 hours.

I started the race out with a woman named Rebecca.  She had some ultra experience so we chatted and ran some miles together.  It was dark and not knowing the path, I started off with my pace a little slower than I had planned.  I quickly realized that I would need to make some adjustments to my pace according to the terrain.  The course consisted of a variety of surfaces: a woods trail, paths through the orchard both grassy and gravel, through a pumpkin patch and corn field. 

After a short time I decided to pick up the pace and run ahead.  I came along side a male runner and we started talking. He shared he had run the course multiple times and had ran 52 marathons that year.  I decided since he was seasoned to the course, I would run with him for awhile. I remember him asking my goal for the day and when I shared he sort of laughed at me like my goal was set a bit high.  I didn’t let that shake my confidence: I believed I had a shot a the course record if nothing went wrong.  It was dark and snowy and somewhat difficult to see, our headlamps were lighting the trail and small pie tins with green arrows pointed us in the direction for the turns.  I was following along with him since he knew the course: All of a sudden we were running in tall grass through the apple orchard and I realized my feet were getting soaked.  We noticed that we took a path too soon and were running through the un mowed section of the course.  It didn’t change the distance, but it did change the fact that this path wasn’t mowed and the one we were supposed to be on was!  At this point I looked over and noticed something in his hand and asked what he was carrying; he laughed and said that he was trying to hide it, but he had a beer in a cozy that he was carrying.  This was at 6 am!  So I followed the wrong person down the wrong path!  His goal was to drink a beer every lap of the 12 hours as he had brought along a 15 pack of All Day IPA.  I think he finally dropped after 10 beers, but I did tell him I expected one after I finished. 

After that I ran on ahead and discovered I thought I had a blister developing from my wet feet.  When I came around the first lap, I stopped and changed my socks hoping this would help.  I ran the second lap hurting from the blister and decided to stop again for some first aid.  My husband popped the blister and I started off for lap three.  It was cold and the stops were tough on my muscles.  They would tighten up and it would take a bit to get going again.  I stopped one more time for final blister care the third lap, but after that I just gritted through the pain. I decided if the blister was the only pain I experienced that day I would call it lucky.  The stops for the blister did set me back a bit, but I was still on target for the record.  My husband was excited marking the laps and cheering me on.  At stops I was taking in some water and a little bit of fruit.  I really didn’t feel like eating so I just kept running. 

By noon I had in 36 miles so I was half way to my goal and happy to have maintained my pace, but the thought crossed my mind I have to do this all over again: Can I make 32 more miles? At noon I was able to start having pacers so my friend, Bruce joined me.  He quickly realized that I needed more hydration and nutrition and started making me eat and drink.  Luckily he had brought enough supplies along to support me for the rest of the 12 hours (he spared taking it himself for me).  He started having me take a Boom Energy Gel once every hour and a Hammer Endurolyte every hour: I would alternate between the two.  Looking back, if he wasn’t there to encourage this I would have hit the wall and never finished the 12 hours.  Once, I got some nutrition, hydration and electrolytes in me I started to feel so much better.  I was still stopping after  a loop, but by lap 6 I realized this was really setting me back.  Each time I stopped it would take over a mile for me to get moving comfortably again so I would just grab supplies and keep on running.  Bruce ended up running 24 miles with me that day.  Sometimes he would run along the entire lap and sometimes he would take short cuts and meet me at the next stop.  He did a great job of motivating me and keeping me right on pace.

My friend Charles and his wife Julie were also on the course participating in the event. It was motivating to see them and hear their words of encouragement as we met each other on the trail.  I remember thinking in the back of my mind that Charles had told me I needed to hit 50 miles feeling fresh.  As I was about to hit 50 miles concidentally, I passed Charles shouting, “I’m hitting 50 and I feel fresh!”  At that point, I knew I could do it: I felt strong and thought only 18 more miles to go!

Next my friend Teddy came to pace me.  While we were running around the 10 hour point, my Garmin watched died and I sort of had a little mental break down.  He calmly said I have my watch on and I know where you are.  This was a relief, but then I started trying to do mental math, which is the wrong thing to do in a long endurance race: mental math is the first to go for me.  So I ended up panicking myself and thinking I had an hour less and could never make it. I told Teddy and he calmly corrected me and said I was going to make it!  This gave me the motivation I needed.

Teddy and Bruce alternated running some of the laps with me.  At this point in the race, I really needed someone with me to keep me mentally strong and keep me going.  There was an aid station about 2.5 miles in with great volunteers.  They were so encouraging with me and offered me so much support.  At one point, they saved me with some Tylenol which gave me what I needed to keep going.  I would stop grab some goldfish and coke from their aid station and run on.

It was nearing the cut off for the 6 p.m. bonus lap.  If runners arrive at the finish line prior to 6 pm. they are allowed an additional bonus lap.  It was going to be close, but I thought I could do it.  I would be finishing 64 miles that lap which was a new PR for me.  I had ran 40 miles with Teddy a couple years prior, but that was the longest I had ever ran.  I was doubting myself because I was getting tired and even singing aloud which made Bruce laugh.  I was thinking well 64 miles is pretty good as it is a PR, but the record was still in the back of my head: was I ready to give it up or could I still do it.  Then I saw the top male runner up ahead and walking.  When we realized it was the top male, Bruce and I jogged ahead and caught him.  We encouraged him to finish with us.  I told him if we get the bonus lap we can do it together.  So we started jogging together and then he would stop: We did this a few times and then he finally said you go on ahead.  I asked if he was sure, because I didn’t want to leave him behind and he told me to go.  So Bruce and I picked up the pace, not knowing my time since my watch battery died, I had to trust Bruce’s guidance.  I asked how we were doing for time and he told me we should pick up the pace so we did.  The last 800 meters of mile 64 was at 7:30 mile pace.  We came in with about 5 minutes to spare and the top male came in with seconds to spare.

With the bonus lap ahead, we introduced ourselves and went on to complete the final lap.  My entire crew joined me as we finished the last lap.  Darkness set in and it was cold and damp.  I ended up finishing setting a new course record of 68 miles and receiving the Rotten Apple Award for being the last one on the course. Unfortunately this race ended in 2018,  so I guess that means I will forever hold the course record.

My pacers: Bruce and Teddy
My support crew: Derek, Bruce and Teddy

Overall Female, Bad Apple Course Record, Rotten Apple Award

Prepping for the Hennepin Hundred

Being an avid runner who is a high mileage junkie, I already had a lot of base mileage in when I decided to commit to running the Hennepin Hundred in early summer and finally went all in when I registered through Ultra-signup on August 28th.  I started out focusing on a plan in June. This plan had me running a 30 mile long run at week 14th. I found a race that while didn’t match quite up with the plan week it was perfect for a training run. So I signed up for Loopty Loop 12 Hour Ultra for July 28th, you can read more about this in another post.

At the beginning of June, I was playing around with a plan from Relentless Forward Progress where the weekly mileage topped out at 58 miles.  I jumped into the plan at week 8 and made some adjustments to upcoming weeks to fit my race schedule. This plan seemed manageable with 5 days of running. With this being a different plan than I was used to, I didn’t have the confidence it was the right plan for me, but I followed the plan for 5 weeks.  The plan was working well with my schedule, I was feeling good so I tested it out at Loopty Loop. Prior to running Loopty Loop, my longest recent training run had been 21 miles and I was planning to run 30 as a training run that day. I ended up finishing at 8 hours when I hit the 50 mile mark (I decided I wanted the 50 mile belt buckle).  I felt strong for the little mileage I had put in so the plan was apparently working for me.

I missed my long back to back runs that I had been used to when I was following Ultra Ladies 100 mile training plan so I decided to move over to that plan.  I think with the upcoming 100 lingering, for my confidence I needed to go to a plan that I knew was successful for me so I started with 11 weeks prior to the Hennepin Hundred.  My miles increased along with my confidence. My previous experience with the plan made me feel that the back to back long runs were the key to my success. The plan has 5 weeks of back to back 30-20 milers on the weekends.  I added in some 50 mile cycling for added endurance and use some different muscles.  

At this point of my training, I decided to start doing my long training runs alone.  I wanted to prepare myself for the long solo miles that I would have to run. I felt that I needed to build mental strength so I knew I could do it alone.  I picked locations to run that I could easily support myself. I frequented a couple of metro parks: one with an 8.4 mile loop and another with a 2.7 mile loop.  These allowed for me to not have to pack too heavy and still have access to my hydration and nutrition. Being the heat of summer, I was running many of my long runs with weather near 80-90 degrees.  I required a lot of hydration as I am a heavy sweater. With the long miles by myself, I stocked up my Spotify Playlist, threw on my Trekz Aftershokz, listened , thought and ran for miles.

Music kept me occupied for a while and then I heard of some good running books so I decided to try an audio book.  Little did I know the book I chose, “Let Your Mind Run” by Deena Kastor, would help the solo miles to pass quickly, but also became my inspiration.  I grew to look forward to those long runs where I could listen to the book and start mentally visualizing running my first 100 miler. In the book, the author shared of overcoming obstacles and ways to mentally prepare for races.  I took the ideas and started implementing them. I made a sticky-note to place on my bathroom mirror that read, “Sub 20 hour 100 mile finisher.” I read that every time I passed by my mirror and envisioned myself crossing the finish line under 20 hours.  

Additionally I started scouring the internet for YouTube videos of the race. I would watch them over and over and imagine myself in those spots of the course. I would think about how I may feel at that point and I would mentally overcome difficult times.  I knew I would face good times along with tough times. I prepared mentally for hitting my deepest lows. After all I was running 100 miles, I knew it was going to hurt so I had to be prepared mentally for those challenges as well as physically. All these solo miles and mental preparation became a key factor in my success at Hennepin: Never before had I spent so much time preparing mentally.

In addition to watching videos and mental visualization, I scoured the course map and aid stations.  My pit crew members, my husband, Derek and son, Riley worked diligently at putting together an excel spreadsheet that listed every aid station. It showed the distance

between the stations, the overall mileage and had my overall finish time splits.  I memorized my arrival times so I could know if I was on target. Of course, my crew would be watching over my pace and time as well. I had a small version of the spreadsheet that fit neatly in the pocket of my Nathan Hydration Vest so I could conveniently pull it out when I needed a reminder or lost track of where I was on the course.  After running multiple miles, it is easy to lose track and math seems to be the first reasoning to go for me. It’s best for me to not attempt mental math at this time as I have panicked in previous races when my mental math had failed me.

I also spent time getting my body prepared for the long race.  I used my standing desk at work so I would stay on my feet all day. When I came from work, I would run and then stay on my feet until bedtime.  A few weeks prior to my race, I started doing Epsom Salt
baths to recover my muscles and I also did this to support my magnesium intake. I used Calm Magnesium because I had symptoms of being deficient with magnesium.  I also read an article about banking sleep. So I started taking naps and getting in a an extra hour of sleep each night. My body was working hard getting in all the miles and the extra sleep was helpful. Additionally I had some sports massages to loosen my muscles.  I made sure to get to get one last sports massage a week prior to my race.

The most important part of preparing for an ultramarathon is the mental and physical preparation, but another key component is planning gear, hydration and nutrition.  I explored these aspects in my training to narrow in on what would work best for me at the Hennepin Hundred. I started by researching the average temperature that time of the year in Sterling, Illinois.  I watched the extended forecast for days anxiously wondering what the temperature would actually be on that day. I prepared for all sorts of weather just to be sure I would be ready for all of the elements.  

On race day, I ended up settling on my Adidas compression shorts: I chose these as they stayed in place during my long runs, were good in the heat, managed my perspiration and did not chafe.  So about that, chafing was one of my biggest concerns, this could make or break a comfortable race. Like I mentioned previously, I perspire heavily so with that in mind I knew I needed a plan to prevent chafing.  I have tried a variety products from lotions to sticks to rub on for chafing. I settled on Squirrel Nut Butter as I had used it with success all summer. A handy tip I discovered was making sure to rub it not only generously on my skin, but also underneath my clothing: I pay special attention to the areas that might tend to rub such as under my sports bra, around my chub rub and under my arms.  On race day I even rubbed it between my toes. Next, I picked a sports bra that stayed securely in place. I suggest going to your local running store, being fitted, trying on a variety of bras, and find on what works for you. I also wore a lightweight Nike tank top. On my feet, I wore Smartwool socks and my Adidas Adizero Boston 7’s.

With my crew I had a variety of clothing to meet any weather I may encounter on that day.  I had Nike arm sleeves to cover up my arms if the weather was cool, which I ended up using for brief periods when it was dark and temperature was cooler with a misty rain.  These are easy to pull on and off to adjust your temperature quickly. I also had a lightweight Patagonia Windbreaker to be prepared for the possible rain in the forecast. We prepped the jacked with a rain repellant prior to the race to help repel the rain to keep me dry.  This jacket I could easily tuck into my hydration pack for easy access if I needed it in-between aid stations. I had a variety of layers available including: capri running tights, long running tights, base layer Smartwool, a buff, beanie, Oakley Sunglasses, Nike running gloves, three pairs of shoes, several pairs of socks,  a couple of pairs of shorts, a few sports bras and a couple of tank tops. I didn’t end up needing any of these items, but it gave me piece of mind. I organized and packed these clothing items in clear plastic drawstring bags and clearly labeled them with a Sharpie Marker so my pit crew could easily identify them and grab them for me at an aid station if necessary.

I explored a variety of nutrition and hydration options over the previous year and decided on Tailwind as my nutrition and hydration.  I researched this very carefully and calculated closely what the number of calories I would require over such a long event. I actually reached out to Tailwind on Facebook for some support on making my decision.  I used my Nathan VaporHowe Vest with 12 ounce ExoShot soft flask and extended straw tubes. This allowed for me to sip continuously from start to finish. I was able to closely monitor my fluid intake along with my pit crew.  I purchased two extra of the soft flasks so my crew would be able to quickly and efficiently swap them out an aid stations. There was enough fluid in them to self-support parts of the course where my crew didn’t have access. I purchased 3-30 serving bags of Tailwind Nutrition Endurance Fuel, Lemon, Berry and Naked.  While, I knew this would be more than I required that day, I wanted to be sure to have a sufficient amount and a variety of flavors in case I needed a change. I also bought some 64 ounce bottles of spring water so we could mix the Tailwind to the amount required. I started that day with the berry and lemon mixed, but towards the end of the race I requested to switch to Naked as I needed a break from the sweet flavor.  The aid stations also provided Tailwind, but I chose to mix my own so I had the concentration and correct amount of calories.

While I knew that using Tailwind I had all the nutrition and hydration I would need for the entire race, I also packed snacks. I had prepared myself mentally that I would need to be sure to keep my nutrition up as this is a key to not hitting the wall.  So I picked a variety of things from sweet to salty: a fruit tray, cheese, crackers and sausage tray, cashews, chocolate chips, pretzels, Goldfish, sour gummy bears, beef jerky, gum, and Coke. On that day, I had a few raspberries and strawberries, some cheese, crackers and meat, some Goldfish and several gulps of Coke.

I put together a First Aid kit to be prepped for anything: a syringe, and needle for blister care, band aids, antiseptic cream, Tylenol, Kinesio Tape, scissors, Squirrel Nut Butter, contact solution, change of contacts, Boom Energy Gel, Hammer Endurolytes, eucalyptus oil and baby wipes.   On the day of Hennepin the only First Aid I required was Tylenol and eucalyptus oil. I came into the race with a tight hamstring which required some attention so at aid stations, my crew rubbed the oil on my hamstring. I also needed Tylenol starting around mile 50 and required more after mile 70.  Although I didn’t know it a the time, around mile 70, I tore a muscle in my right leg near my knee.

Knowing I would need to plan ahead for at least 24 hours of battery life on my electronic devices. I took double of my Black Diamond Sprinter Headlamp, Trekz Aftershokz, back-up cell phone charger and charger cords.  I also upgraded by Garmin to a 935 which has 24 hour of battery life. To conserve energy, I shut off the heart rate monitor on my watch. I turned my iPhone to airplane mode as well. I placed all of these items in labeled Ziploc bags for easy access for my pit crew.

For post race, I brought along my compression leg sleeves,
compression socks and compression shorts.  This is one area that I faltered with as after the race I was too tired, sweaty and stinky to change into my compression gear.  In hindsight, I should have put compression clothing on to help with the recovery. After the race, I was not up for eating and hydrating, which is another big mistake that I made.  I had very little to eat or drink after the race which left me with severe dehydration. I had read about urine the color of coca cola and post race I experienced this: this made me nervous and I immediately started taking in water.  Lucky for me this resolved quickly. Post race will be a focus for me at my next race. I spent so much time focusing on all aspects, but didn’t give the needed attention to this. I did however have a post-race recovery plan of going to our local physical therapy center, Advanced Physical Therapy and using the Normatec Recovery boots.  After an 8 hour drive home, my legs were swollen and stiff, this set my recovery back a bit in addition to a torn muscle which I learned about 3 weeks post-race.

I plan to make some adjustments for my upcoming Tunnel Hill race to save time at aid stations so I can set a new personal record!  Race Preparation is the key to success in any race, but it becomes critical with long endurance events.

Hennepin Hundred: Ultra Virgin No More. . .

In October 2018, I experienced my first opportunity to run a 100 mile race which was a goal I set about a year prior: It had been in the back of my mind for awhile at least since years prior when I read Ultramarathon Man By Dean Karnazes and Born to Run by Christopher McDougall.  My ultramarathon friend, Charles also played a part in encouraging and influencing me to this goal. This was going to be one of the best moments of my life and I had worked hard to get here after a long preparation, more about that in another blog.

We arrived at the Hennepin Hundred packet pick-up in Colona, Illinois on Friday evening.  When we first got out of our Jeep we met Scott, a runner from Michigan who was also running the 100 miler.  We chatted about our race plans which helped to make me feel better as it was apparent he was also having some anxiety about our big task ahead. Feeling a little anxious, me and my crew (My husband, Derek, son, Riley and friend, Jenny) walked in for packet pick up.  From the start of this experience to the finish I met so many amazing people. It was nice to share some comradery with others who were maybe just as crazy and obsessed with running as me. Could it be a whole room of runners just like me? Did I actually find a crowd that I fit in with? I picked up all my race bling and then it was time to listen to the presenters.  We sat by a couple of male runners, who were either trying to scare me to death or really trying to help me by giving me last minute wisdom before my long excursion whichever it was they had me a little rattled. Before the presentation, they offered pre-race photos. I think this was so they had at least one last momento of us in case we didn’t make it back alive. Then the moment I had been waiting for Ann Trason, ultrarunning legend presented: This was one of the reasons I selected this particular 100 mile race. Ann has 14 Western States wins, 20 world records, and was featured in Born To Run.  Scott Kummer from Ten Junk Miles Podcast also added some comic relief for the night.  I couldn’t wait to arrive at his aid station with the disco ball(more on this later).  Michele Hartwig, well known Hennepin Race Director shared all the safety information and course updates.  The finish was being re-routed due to flooding on the Mississippi River. I tried to ignore that perhaps the flooding was a sign, I shouldn’t be running a 100 mile race!  We received an email stating, “The Mississippi River is at FLOOD ZONE, and our 100 mile/50k finish line is in a FLASH FLOOD warning. For that reason the safety folks in Henry County are helping us to change our finish line location to keep everyone safe.”

Race morning: I was out of my mind with excitement.   The weather was perfect on race morning, better than had been forecasted as rain was predicted.  The temperature was around 40 degrees at race start. We parked and walked to the starting line: really we had to walk a ½ mile? and then run 100 more.  I stepped up to the starting line, while my crew supported me with pictures and words of encouragement. Standing on the line, I told myself it is just 100 -1 mile repeats, I’ve got this.  I had the security of knowing I had the best pit crew ever to support me. I knew they would take care of my every need; even ones I hadn’t even considered. Derek has led and crewed me through countless races, training runs and life.  He knows how to support me, when to push me and is my number one fan; honestly I wouldn’t have the confidence to even attempt a run this far without his support. Riley is my son and great friend, he has the best personality with a sense of humor, unbelievable positive energy, and very caring.  I have been supporting his passion for running for years and now it was his turn to be able to support me and give back. Jenny is one of my best friend’s, we met about a year ago in our running club, even though we’ve only known each other a short time it seems like we have been lifelong friends.  I knew she would be able to give me tough love when I needed it and she had been a training partner with me. I had seen this start line numerous times as I had watched clips on Youtube to prepare myself and played over and over in my mind as I had prepared myself for this day. I was dressed for the current weather and had gear packed for just in case because there was a possibility of rain that day and cooler temperatures for the evening.  I was geared up in my Adidas compression shorts, Brooks sports bra, Nike tank, Garmin 935, Smartwool socks, AfterShokz Trekz wireless headphones, and Nathan vest with a slathering of Squirrel Nut Butter over every possible piece of skin and my clothing to prevent chafing.

It was go-time! I started off at a controlled pace, reminding myself I needed to hold back and keep my goal pace which at this point was sub 9:30 mile pace. In the back of my mind I had five lofty goals: one to finish, this was my first 100 miler; a year previous I ran 68 miles at Bad Apple 12 hour Ultra, but I’ll tell that story another time, second was to finish under 30 hours to get that coveted belt buckle, every ultrarunners dream, third was to finish under 24 hours because the buckle is even BIGGER, fourth sub 20 hours which was the sticky note hanging on my mirror that I stared at daily as a reminder, and my final goal which was a bit out of reach and high, but I couldn’t help but also dream of the course record 16 hours 40 minutes.  

The start was easy and the pace seemed just right as I started chatting with runners around me and realizing this was going to be one of the best days of my life.  I was prepared to support myself as needed, but also ran with ease knowing my crew had my back. Tucked into my vest pocket, was a well developed course map with aid stations along with mileage and time goals for each aid station.  I knew that I had to make the first 50 miles solo then the final half would be split among my crew: Derek, Riley, Jenny and maybe my friend, Teddy who was coaching a cross country meet and was up in the air if he would make it. Along with my crew, I had the pride of knowing that I had a whole team of friends and family supporting me on the sidelines back home through texts and updates on Facebook.  I ran through the first couple aid stations feeling strong while I was sipping my Tailwind and keeping a steady flow like an IV. I met, Aaron, an athletic trainer from Chicago who was also running the 100 near the beginning of the race and we ran a few miles together. Aaron shared that he had plans to run the Chicago Marathon the very next morning and had a big line up the next couple of weeks with hundreds and marathon pacing.  I ran along and conversed with a few others then I got past the 10 mile mark, I noticed a couple of ladies walking ahead. As I got closer, I realized it was Ann Trason and her pacer. I was so excited. I shouted out and asked if I could get a quick selfie with her. She obliged and told me I looked strong: I ran on feeling inspired and ready to tackle whatever may lay ahead of me on my hundred mile journey. Later after the race, Ann friended me on Facebook and I am able to track her journey as she works toward her goal of completing an ultramarathon walking in every state.  At this point,I told myself okay now I only have 9 -10 mile repeats left.

I saw my crew and stopped at the third aid station to use the restroom, refresh my Tailwind supply and I was off.  I ran by a  runner, Daniel who was a teacher from Chicago, he asked how he had gotten ahead of me (I had stopped at the aid station) and shared that I was his target the entire time and was trying to catch up with me.  We ran together for a while and I gave him some nutrition advice encouraging him to be sure to stay hydrated and get his nutrition from the Tailwind being provided at all of the aid stations. I remember him telling me I was many levels above him.  I shared the difference in buckle size with him if he finished under 30 hours or under 24 hours. He was inspired to finish sub 24 hours! After the race, he followed me on instagram and posted a comment, “ I told you, you were a million levels ahead of me”.  Postrace looked up his finish time and was so happy to see that bit of inspiration I offered hopefully paid off as he finished under the 24 hour mark.

I ran on through a few more aid stations and met some runners along the way to share some stories with. This made the miles seem to fly by.  The trail was mostly paved with some crushed stone. We ran along the Hennepin Canal the whole way, prior to the race Derek and Riley calculated if they could crew me by kayaking the canal the entire 100 miles, well it was decided I would have beat them so on to plan B, they would meet me at the aid stations they were allowed to although kayaking along would have probably been more fun.  I caught my crew again at aid stations 7-9. When I arrived at nine, which I was about 43 miles in, I was feeling an unbelievable runner’s high. I remember running up to my crew shouting, “Coming in Hot!” My crew cracked up because little did I know this happened to be the aid station, titled MILF and ended up being a fitting phrase. My crew was prepared with all my needs: they provided leg massages, fruit, Coke, refreshed my Tailwind, Tylenol, crackers, cheese, meat, anything I needed.  I was excited to get some hot bacon and keep running.

I felt like I had been running some time, wasn’t sure if I was still on the right course because it seemed like hours since I had seen anyone, and was getting a little mentally beat down when I came to a bridge and I knew when I saw the glittery disco ball that I was at Ten Junk Miles “No Drop” aid station ( at the pre-race meeting Scott Kumer emphasized that he had the no drop station and that meant no one could drop at his station. He told that if asked he would send runners to the previous station to drop or the next one).  I jumped up to the ball and ran over to my crew. I sought out Scott Kummer to beckon him to let me drop. He immediately said yes and yelled to the race director, “Michele we have a drop”. He then said to me I only said yes because I knew you were messing with me. I was off again and heading for the 50 mile mark. I knew after I hit the 50 mile mark, I would have some company.

Jenny was my first pacer.  I was starting to feel some discomfort in my left hamstring ( I had been struggling with hamstring tightness towards the end of my training) so my 8 miles with Jenny was a bit tough. It was helpful that I was starting to see some people with an out and back turn around: This gave me some motivation.   When I hit the halfway mark It was exciting and a little overwhelming to think I needed to do it again. My splits from my first 25 miles to my second were nearly even. I was on pace to meet my goal of sub 20 hours and possibly near 18.

At the next aid station, my crew rubbed eucalyptus oil on my hamstring to give me some relief and I took some Tylenol( this would continue throughout the race to the place where at one point I was begging for more Tylenol.)  My crew had told me no, I was desperate so Derek used the phone a friend option and called my niece who is a nurse practitioner for advice. She gave instructions and approval for more Tylenol and became my savior at that point in the race.  I used the roller, restroom and was ready to run! This aid station was supported by Ornery Mule Racing which I met one of the volunteers the night before at packet pickup, Antonio who happened to be from Michigan.  

Derek joined me on this leg and I was pushing him every step. About a ½ mile in, I was having some difficulty moving my leg so I laid along the trail while Derek stretched and massaged my hamstring. This gave me some relief and next thing he knew he was struggling to keep up. He ran 3 miles at my side.  The plan pace was 9:30 and we hit 7:30 pace. At the next aid station, he grabbed me a piece of bacon and I was off with Riley by my side.

Riley was wearing his University of Michigan singlet and runners were cheering “Go Blue.”  We were meeting runners on the out and back and I was coming to the realization I was in first place for females.    Prior to this it was difficult to determine place as there were a few races going on: 100 mile, 50 mile and a relay. Runners were cheering and encouraging me on with chants, claps and bows.   I saw some of the runners that I had met at packet pick up which was both fun and exciting to see someone I recognized. I came back through the Ten Junk Miles aid station, this time they had music playing, a pig roasted and ready.  I joined my crew while they lathered my legs with eucalyptus and we sang “Don’t Stop Believing”. Aid station workers were attentive to runner’s needs, one worker came and listed off all the choices: I requested some warm vegetable broth.  This was the perfect decision at this time in the race as it gave me a pick me up.

Jenny took the next leg which was a monumental moment for me as I passed my personal record distance of 68 miles.  We celebrated and ran on. At about 70 miles, I crossed a road and ran down an incline, I noticed a sharp, burning pain on the inside of my right leg near by knee.  I stopped and told Jenny. My leg was burning and I wondered it if was okay, but I decided to move on. It was getting near dark and we realized we didn’t have our headlamps, we picked up the pace to the next aid station.

Riley joined me for the next leg.  We positioned our headlamps and took off down the trail.  My phone had died and I no longer had music so he quickly pulled out his music and we sang together on the trail. We listened to an eclectic range of music from old country, rock to rap anything to keep my mind off the pain.  Looking back at my most played songs during the run was “Hotel Key” by Old Dominon and “Magic in the Hamptons” by Social House. We were mostly alone at this point. Darkness had set in and I was pushing into mile 80. I was getting tired and sore. This is when I hit my darkest moment on the trail, I started to cry and Riley asked if I needed a hug and that I did. We stood hugging in the dark on that lonely trail with less than 20 miles to go which seemed like forever.  I started moving again and went between jog and walking as my left hamstring, my right inside of my knee and right IT Band were aching. I was pushing my body and mind further than I ever had. The night was dark, damp and starting to get chilly. I would get cold after stops and need to add extra gear, but once I got going, I would shed  my running sleeves and gloves. The aid stops got longer, harder to get moving. Aid stations had a smorgasbord of foods from Tailwind, pancakes, bacon, pickles to cookies, Coke and s’mores.  Volunteers were very friendly and accommodating throughout the entire course. I begged for Riley to stay with me through the next aid station which turned out to be two stations since there was no crews allowed at the next one.

Late in the night, Riley and I came to a station where we had to wake the volunteer, but they were ready and willing to support. Looking back my nutrition and hydration were starting to falter at this point, but I was too fatigued and maybe a little delirious to know.  I was still leading for women when I got to aid station 18. I was hurting and tired: Didn’t think I could go on running. I used the porta-potty slowly, fueled up, rolled, and stretched. My friend, Teddy was there to help me for the next section. He was excited and ready after his 6 hour long drive to come to support me.  I was just coming out of the porta-potty when Teddy yelled top female just went by, she was flying and looked strong. I told him it was okay because I was done. I apologized and let him know that I would be walking the rest of the way. It was dark, cold and rainy and my legs were desperately hurting. I had made it this far and I knew I could finish, but I wasn’t sure it would be running.  We started walking together in the rain and quite some time had passed, Teddy was patient and listened then he started telling me stories of his cross country meet. I remember him starting to mimic a jog a little and saying can you do this and some how some way I started jogging again. The next aid station was 6 miles away which in the darkness it seemed like an eternity away. I kept pushing along and then we started to see runners. I was picking up the pace while Teddy whispered encouragement and used hand signals to motivate me.  We came across a couple ladies that were walking and at first I thought we caught the top lady, but it wasn’t. That took the wind out of my sails a bit, but we kept pushing onward. We started seeing more headlamps and I kept picking up pace now what was 10 minute pace perceived effort( most of my miles prior to mile 80 was under 9:30 pace) was more like 6 minute pace. I was trying not to think about pace and thinking the phrase relentless forward progress (a book I also read prior to my race). I’ve got this. I have made it this far.  I set a new PR and with each step I take another PR I set. I can do this. We came across a couple more ladies and I asked which race they were in. They said they were just out walking the trail. Teddy and I didn’t believe they were just walking the trail this late at night or early in the morning (I really had lost all track of time. I was more focusing on my finish time than the actual time), we ran on past. After we got a ways ahead, I needed a walk break. Teddy had me shut off my headlamp which he kept moving to make it appear that I was still running. He didn’t want the ladies to see they had the advantage on me. I started running again and just hoping I would see a light in the distance that would be the next aid station. Finally we saw lights and I was so excited, we had almost made it six miles, but as we neared it was apparent that it wasn’t an aid station, instead my pit crew.  Derek came because he thought it was time to pull me from the race. The last time he saw me he heard me say I was walking the rest of the race: He calculated my ending time and decided it was time to pull the plug only to his surprise when he saw me I was running. I kept running and catching more runners in the last 13 miles I passed at least 7 runners. At the final aid station, I told Teddy I am not stopping I need to run through or I won’t be able to get going, he called ahead and let the crew know. Derek ran up in the steady rain with a hot grilled cheese sandwich. I took the sandwich, but wasn’t able to eat it. Finally there was the lead female runner, Teddy motioned and whispered, Teddy moved to my right so he could conceal me in the darkness. I passed her and then she realized what happened. She surged back up to me and we ran side by side which seemed like forever. Teddy was silently encouraging me and trying to give me strength.  Finally she went and I didn’t have anymore. I was three miles from the finish line. Could I make it? Could I finish this race? Then she disappeared out of sight. Was she that far ahead or did she turn off her light? I pushed on. Teddy told me the choice was mine to catch her or not. I had made the decision ten miles back to walk and now I was running: I caught back up to her and passed her, I was done. My tank was empty, but I realized that I was still going to make my goal of sub 20 hours which gave me hope and energy.

I finished feeling as strong as I could after running my first 100 miler.  Derek, Teddy and Riley ran me in while Jenny stood near the finish line cheering me on.  My finish time was 19 hours 34 minutes. I did it: I was strong and finished my first 100 mile race.   It was an amazing feat. I was second place female by less than 5 minutes and ninth overall. I received a beautiful trophy, uniquely designed belt buckle, a beautiful finishers flannel and an awesome Ultra Virgin No More shirt (which I wear with pride). Most importantly I achieved my goal and  I met many amazing people along the way that have friended me on Facebook, we keep in touch and support each other. This just solidifies to me what an amazing community the ultra running community is. Runners are unbelievably supportive out on the course: we are all running together from the elites to the first time ultra virgins, the only noticeable difference is pace. Could I have done it faster?  What could I have done differently?  These are the questions, that have lingered and still do until I finish my next 100 miler.  What adjustments will I make? I will find the answer out soon enough: I am signed up to run Tunnel Hill 2019.  My first 100 mile race and I made it in the Top 100 – Mile Women for 2018 in the Ultrarunning Magazine, February 2019.  Can I move up to top 20 in 2019?  Only time will tell. . .