About Ultra Crazy Runner Girl!

Welcome to my Ultra Crazy Running Blog!

I am an ultra marathon addict, an Ornery Mule Racing Endurance Coach,  RRCA Certified Running Coach, UESCA certified Ultramarathon Coach, Tri-Covery Massage & Flexibility Sponsored Athlete,  Duncan Chiropractic Group Sponsored Athlete and Gnarly Nutrition Regional Athlete.

-Endurance Coach

-Ranked two years in a row in the top 100 females by Ultrarunning Magazine. 

-Course records for Bad Apple Ultra 12 Hour with 68 miles completed and the Driftless 50k. 

-2018 2nd place at Hennepin 100

-2019  Overall Female Tunnel Hill 100

-2020 3rd place female Desert Solstice Elite 24 hour track event.

-2021 1st overall female Alexander County 24 hour

-2021 3rd overall female Six Days in the Dome 24 hour

2021-RRCA Michigan Ultra Female Champion -Kalhaven Trail Ultra

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50 is the new “forte” interview

Gnarly Nutrition Video

50 is New Forte more about Coach and Ultra Runner Loretta

Ultra Crazy Runner Posts

Learning from a 24 hour Ultra-Every Race is a Learning Opportunity to Carry Forward

Over about a six month span starting in December 2020 just shortly after I retired from a long career in special education, I started delving into competing at 24 hour track events. I had longed to run one for a few years after binge watching Zach Bitter set a World Record at Six Days in …